Workshop | Shelley Paulson – Portraiture from the Heart

November 29, 2012

I attended a workshop recommended by my unofficial mentor, Kori Hoffman. The workshop was called “Portraiture from the Heart” by Shelley Paulson, from Minneapolis.  Shelley Paulson is Kori’s official mentor and friend. Kori hosted the workshop for three of us just getting started. It was very good, beneficial, she was very helpful with everything. Both Kori and Shelley are excellent photographers, and shoot “from their heart”. I feel very fortunate/blessed to have learned from both.

Below are a few images from the workshop. The pink-sweatered model, Shelley positioned and set up with the light, etc. The blue-sweatered model,  I set up putting to use what I learned from the workshop all day. It was really fun to learn and practice right away with real models, pretty and sweet ones too!