A trip to China, to adopt our daughter

September 27, 2017

Meet Zoe Anne Schnee, 3 years old on Nov 30, 2014, adopted on Aug 1, 2017 from Guiyang, Guizhou, China.

We are so very, very, very grateful to all who supported us in prayer, helped with fundraisers and gave very generous financial gifts through this long journey to adopt Zoe. Her life and ours is forever changed. Her name means life, and in that she is not lacking, even a little bit. She makes her presence known in volume and joyful energy to all she meets (including just about everyone shopping in said store, literally, everyone, Ni-Hi, and Bye’Bye’s all around). She is a blessing to us and all who meet her. Praise God for the gift of adoption. As hard as this process has been, I know it could be harder, and we have been given so much grace and forgiveness in our weaknesses. The journey is not over, and will only get better. I pray that others will adopt or foster or continue to help the orphan and widow as they have seen this process for us. I know this is not the end of our care for the fatherless, the work is never done. Heaven Soon.