Piteo Crew
“At the top of the Empire State Building on Valentines Day” – well, almost!
“At the top of the Empire State Building on Valentines Day” – well, almost!
I’ve photographed these kids since each of their births. It’s such an honor to document lives as they change. Thank you, Wells family, for trusting me with your memories. It’s a pleasure to see your sweet family grow and bond.
Here is a hodge podge of recent work from this year just to keep the cobwebs off of this blog. 🙂
“here and there”….A good way to describe this little side hustle of mine. I have many balls in the air….as we all do. Here are some recent instances where I hold a big clunky camera and shoot rather than an iphone.
Beautiful, spunky, runway family, most of them came for a visit from Romania! And despite the drizzles, we got in some great shots!
Look at this good-looking group!!! They are fun too! Never did a photo shoot in 45 minutes while drinking a glass of wine before and teetering around an in ground pool! Plus bees.
These friends were a delight to photograph. Holly and Jake exemplify a selfless-serving family. Their children see it modeled and it will be a wonderful testimony as they grow. Thanks for allowing me to photograph your sweet family!
Pretty Sarah at Sunset with her cute puppy.
Sweet sweet cheeks and lips, and a sweet sweet family. Thanks for letting me step in and be a part of your morning, it was fun!