
S Family | Newborn

S Family | Newborn

Welcome to the world baby K! You are already so alert and strong! I can’t believe how this little one week old holds up his head and opens his eyes. Your family loves you so much! I’m so excited to see you grow and interact with your big sister, she’s…

S family

S family

For a family of 7 with a number of the members not enjoying photo sessions and the amount of things going on this day and time limit we had, I think these photos turned out pretty well. I mean, who could resist the perfect fair skin of all of them…

beautiful Baby A

beautiful Baby A

and big brother A. It was a joy to see this sweet, beautiful baby girl in person. She was like an angel. You four are beautiful inside and out. So thankful to call you a friend.

Sky Top Apple Orchard

Sky Top Apple Orchard

We went on a retreat to Bonclarken with our Sunday School class from church. It was a beautiful weekend of fellowship in the mountains. Many families also got a chance to visit the Sky Top Apple Orchard. I’ve only been to three orchards in the Carolinas but this is the…