My little Anina Bambina, grabbed her quickly for the golden hour light, stripped her down and put on some pink and threw her in the leaves for a quick little shoot. I loved the light. And the reflection of the gold painted leaf onto her face. These make me think…
on uneven paths…. and he follows…
We went on a retreat to Bonclarken with our Sunday School class from church. It was a beautiful weekend of fellowship in the mountains. Many families also got a chance to visit the Sky Top Apple Orchard. I’ve only been to three orchards in the Carolinas but this is the…
Happy birthday my imaginative, adorable, loud and loving Gustav! Lynx train ride, lunch at the station, Discovery Place, Pinata and presents
Took a quick trip to visit my sisters who live in Charleston and went to Kiawah and saw the Angel Tree for the first time.
My youngest turned 2 today. Luca Luigi is such a character. He gives each one of us so much joy. I had fun playing with him after his bath and shooting these. The sun comes in my bedroom window kind of harsh in the afternoon but I love the rich…
Sheddell, my very close neighbor and friend, is moving away. With her moving, she is having to say good-bye to her chickens. She asked that I take pictures. Here are a few of her babies. They all have had names since they were little chicks and have been giving her…
She, my daughter. She, the Church. Making ready, prepared, anticipating. Beautiful in His eyes. Waiting for the day of His return. Looking upward to eternity.