
H Family Portraits

H Family Portraits

This little girl is so feminine and graceful, and she’s so little! The Irish dancing and Violin must be working. I’m excited to see her grow and use her talents. And am very thankful that her mama asked me to do her photos, she’s a natural.

I’m still here!

I’m still here!

My end goal is to buy a Contax 645 like my idols Jonathan Canlas, Becky Earl and now (a new favorite) Jose Villa have. Until that happy day comes, I might win the lottery first, I have some digitals to post of Luca.

A Year in Film Photography

A year in film is my vow for 2012. So long as my tiny piggy bank allows it, I will shoot film over digital as much as I can. I started in film like most people before digital existed. And took a course in college using my grandfather’s (who was…